Award for the Co-operative Bank in Radymno for its commitment to the Employee Capital Plans

The Co-operative Bank in Radymno (Podkarpackie Province) has received the “Responsible and Friendly Employer” award for its above-average commitment to the implementation of ECP schemes. This is another PFR TFI client from the BPS group that has achieved excellent results in terms of participation in the programme. The bank can serve as an example to other co-operative entities, as well as to all small businesses, that any employer can effectively support employees in long-term savings.
Among the winners of the eighth edition of the “Responsible and Friendly Employer” programme, awarded for above-average commitment to Employee Capital Plans, was the Co-operative Bank in Radymno in the Podkarpackie Province. This is an important distinction as it confirms that also smaller actors can effectively support participation in ECPs. The bank has achieved an impressive result with 13 of its 17 employees participating in the ECP, giving a participation rate of 76 per cent. For comparison, the current average participation rate in the programme across Poland is around 46 per cent.
During the closing ceremony summarising the eighth edition of the “Responsible and Friendly Employer” programme, Henryk Baron, who, on behalf of PFR TFI, cooperates with the bank in servicing ECPs, thanked the bank's management and employees for their commitment and open approach to the programme.
The Co-operative Bank in Radymno achieved an excellent result and fully deserves this award. As an employer, it has shown great understanding and openness, taking care to provide employees with the necessary information on ECPs and allowing us to conduct training sessions during which we explained the principles of ECPs and the benefits of participating in the programme
- says Henryk Baron.
We all know very well how important it is to take care of financial security, especially as we ourselves work in the financial sector. The specificity of co-operative banks is that they operate in the local environment, based on direct relationships. Every day, we make sure that we support customers in building their financial security through our products. Our employees are also part of these communities. For this reason, we want to ensure that they can take care of their future, and saving in ECP is the simplest and very effective way to achieve this.
We are fully aware of the importance of building long-term financial security. We support our customers every day, but we also do not forget our employees. Thanks to ECP, we have an opportunity to build capital for the future in a simple and effective way
- says Alicja Rocińska, Head of the Co-operative Bank in Radymno.
In the history of the eight editions of the “Responsible and Friendly Employer” programme implemented so far, the Co-operative Bank in Radymno is the second bank from the BPS Group to receive this award. Previously, in the sixth edition, one of the winners was the Co-operative Bank in Milicz (Dolnośląskie Province). In addition, as Henryk Baron points out, the growing commitment to promoting ECP saving is evident in many other BPS Group clients. Examples of entities with the highest participation in ECP are the co-operative banks in Kraśnik, Cyców and Nałęczów, where more than half of the employees participate in the scheme.
Employee Capital Plans are a programme based on solidarity and social responsibility. They were created so that employees could accumulate and multiply their private savings for the future with the support of their employer and the state.
PFR TFI is part of the Polski Fundusz Rozwoju Capital Group, which comprises financial and advisory institutions supporting entrepreneurs, local governments and individuals investing in the sustainable social and economic development of the country. The entity manages assets with a total value of over PLN 13 billion, which places it among the largest institutions managing ECP.
In the ECP scheme, PFR TFI has a specific role as the designated financial institution, ensuring universal access to the scheme and continuity in the management of participants' savings in the event that the original managing institution is unable to continue to operate the scheme.