Warto być w PPK

Pracownicze Plany Kapitałowe to kompleksowy i powszechny system długoterminowego oszczędzania, który opiera się na prostych i przejrzystych zasadach. Jego głównym celem jest budowa zabezpieczenia finansowego na czas po zakończeniu aktywności zawodowej, a kluczową zaletą fakt, że w programie razem z Tobą oszczędzają pracodawca i państwo. Dzięki temu oszczędzasz szybciej i więcej.

Zgromadzone w PPK środki są Twoją prywatną własnością.  Najkorzystniej wypłacić je po 60. roku życia, zapewniając sobie i rodzinie dodatkowe środki. Jeśli ich nie wykorzystasz, Twoje oszczędności będą podlegały dziedziczeniu.

Dołącz do PPK i pozwól, by Twoje oszczędności pracowały na Twoją przyszłość.


The main advantage of the ECP is the possibility of more efficient savings for the future. With your employer's contributions and state subsidies, you can save more. Moreover, all your money is invested, so you work for you at all times.

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Tripartite character of contributions

Funds saved on an ECP account come from three sources: the employee, the employer and the State.

Powszechność PPK

Common system

All employees between 18 and 70 who are subject to compulsory old-age and disability pension insurance can participate in the program.

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Privacy and funds subject to inheritance

All funds accumulated on the PPK account are owned b the participant who may use them at any time.

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Investing your funds

All funds accumulated in ECP are invested in target-date funds and its investment policy is systematically adjusted to the changing age of the participants

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Exemption from capital gains tax

You will not pay capital gains tax from the profits earnedby investment funds.                              

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Financial security

The most profitable is to withdraw your savings after  exceeding the age of 60, ensuring you extra money at the end of professional activity.

Kto i ile wpłaca na PPK?

The amount of the basic contribution paid by the employer is 1.5% of the given employee's gross remuneration. The employer may also pay an additional contribution, which may amount up to 2.5% of this remuneration.

The amount of the basic contribution made by the Employee is 2% of their gross remuneration. The Employee has also the possibility to increase their contribution by an additional payment, which may not exceed another 2% of their remuneration. The Employee’s contributions will reduce the amount of their monthly remuneration, but they remain their property in the form of an investment for their future.

Savings paid by the employee and the employer will be supplemented by regular contributions from the State. Each participant will receive for their individual account an additional PLN 240. Moreover, at the beginning employees will receive one-off welcome payment of PLN 250.

Contributions in Employee Capital Plans

Jak zostać uczestnikiem PPK?

You can join the PPK if you are 18 to 70 years old and are obligatorily subject to the retirement pension and disability pension. Depending on the age group, the method of enrolling in the program differs:

  • Subsequently it automatically subscribes the employees to this programme that are above the age of 18 but below 55
  • If you are a person that is above the age of 55 but below 70 years old, you can submit the application on joining the programme to you employer.

Saving in PPK is voluntary. You can resign from participation in the program and join it again at any time.

Enrollment for the Employee Capital Plans

Dołącz do milionów uczestników PPK i zadbaj o swoją przyszłość!

Kiedy możesz wykorzystać zgromadzone oszczędności?

The main aim of ECP is the provision of the additional money that can be used after exceeding the age of 60 and earlier in exceptional situations. The funds gathered on your account will be private and will be subject to inheritance. It will be possible to withdraw them at any moment.

Rules of using savings:

  • After exceeding the age of 60
    The easiest and the most profitable is to withdraw the funds in the form that is not associated with the necessity to pay the capital gains tax: 75% of funds in at least 120 instalments (for 10 years or more) and the remaining part at one time;
  • For covering the own contribution by taking credit for a flat or house building
    If you want to cover the own contribution by taking credit for a flat or house building - up to 100% of funds with a return obligation. There is a possibility to return it in the non-interest-bearing instalments that can be paid for 15 years - it involves the persons who are below the age of 45.
  • In the case of serious disease
    You can withdraw up to 25% of savings accumulated on your ECP account in the event of a serious disease - your, your co-spouse or child. You do not have to return these funds.
  • At any moment
    Life is often surprising and unpredictable. Starting a business, children's education or additional investment opportunity are some of the situations where you urgently may need money. The funds on the PPK account are your private property and you can use them whenever you want.
    In that case you should remember, that your funds  will be decressesd by:
    - capital gains tax;
    -30% of the value of your employer payments - those payments were exempted from contributions for retirement and disability insurances. Due to this fact the collected 30% is considered as your own contribution for retirement insurance in ZUS;
    -surcharges from state.


PFR PPK SFIO investment policy

Oszczędności gromadzone na rachunku PPK inwestowane są w subfundusze cyklu życia (tzw. subfundusze zdefiniowanej daty) wydzielone w ramach PFR PPK Specjalistycznego Funduszu Inwestycyjnego Otwartego. W PFR TFI utworzyliśmy 9 takich subfunduszy dla osób w różnym wieku.

Funds in the ECP are invested in target-date subfunds, which are also called life cycle subfunds, within the PFR PPK Specialised Open Investment Fund. We have established 8 life cycle subfunds of the differentiated investment policy, adjusted to the age of the participants.
The target date of the subfund, which is also called the target year, is indicated by its name. This is the date on which persons born in the year constituting the middle of the range of years in which employees for whom the given subfund is intended were born turn 60. The participants are automatically assigned to the appropriate subfund depending on their age, but they can change it free of charge at any moment and without limitations or divide the funds between different subfunds.

Detailed conditions of the investment policy are determined in the ECP Terms and Conditions and the PFR PPK SFIO Statute. 


Tabela subfunduszy PFR PPK SFIO

Jak sprawdzić stan środków?

Using the IAT FI system you may track on an ongoing basis the balance of savings and the
history of payments on their ECP accounts, including annual contributions and the welcome payment
from the state, as well as other transactions made at the participant’s request.

Functionalities of the IAT FI system:

Usefull tools


You are looking for information about PPK in the form of short videos or online training. Here you will find interesting materials.

What are Employee Capital Plans?

Employee Capital Plans are the voluntary long-term saving programme. Payments to Employee Capital Plans account will come from three sources: from you - employee, your employer, and state. 

How to join Employee Capital Plans?
When your employer should  establish ECP? How can you sign up for the program? You will learn the answers to the above questions in the video.

When you can withdraw your savings?

Funds collected on the ECP account are the private. Therefore, you can use them at any time.

How your funds areinvested in ECP? 

Contributions paid to the ECP are invested in target-date funds based on a life cycle model which automatically adjusts the structure of the invested capital to the age of the participant.

How your funds areinvested in ECP? 

Contributions paid to the ECP are invested in target-date funds based on a life cycle model which automatically adjusts the structure of the invested capital to the age of the participant.

Do pobrania

Do you need more detailed information or maybe you are looking for document templates? We have prepared a set of the most important files for you.


Sprawdź, co powinienieś wiedzieć o Pracowniczych Planach Kapitałowych. 


Check out our offer concerning the creation, management and operation of the Employee Capital Plan (ECP).


Here you can find detailed information on the rights of the participant, the investment policy and the risk involved in investing.

You can find templates of forms and declarations for PPK participants in Expertse Center tab. Click the button below yo go to the tab. 

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Irregularity reporting form (anonymous)

Providing your personal data is not required

Complaint form