Warto wybrać PPK w PFR TFI

Stoisz przed wyborem instytucji, której powierzysz zarządzanie Pracowniczymi Planami Kapitałowymi w Twojej firmie? Odkryj korzyści z PPK w PFR TFI!

W PFR TFI przygotowaliśmy kompleksową ofertę, dzięki której wdrożenie i obsługa PPK w Twojej firmie będą przebiegały sprawnie i angażowały jak najmniej Twojego czasu i środków. Zapewniamy pełne wsparcie naszych ekspertów na każdym etapie tworzenia i prowadzenia Pracowniczych Planów Kapitałowych - zarówno w zakresie działań administracyjnych, operacyjnych, jak i szkoleń dla pracowników i pracodawców, komunikacji oraz obsługi zleceń.


Potrzebujesz więcej informacji o PPK? Odwiedź stronę www.pfrtfi.pl

Sprawdź, jak podpisać umowę o zarządzanie PPK

Interaktywna instrukcja krok po kroku przeprowadzi Cię przez cały proces zawierania umowy.

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Comprehensice support and high quality of service 

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User-friendly system

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Experience and competences

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Remote process of the implementation and operation of the ECP

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Credibility and stability

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Professional fund managers

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Attractive level of management fees

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Synergy of the Polish Development Fund Group

Co nas wyróżnia

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Professional team supporting the employer

The team will prepare an individual schedule of ECP implementation taking into account the needs of your company and communication with employees. It will guide you through the process, provide training concerning procedures and systems, templates of forms, declarations and materials for employees so that you are spared from unnecessary work.

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A modern and intuitive iPPK system for the operation of the programme

The iPPK system provides great support in the implementation and operation of the ECP. This user-friendly tool will allow for the efficient management of the plan and the fulfilment of obligations towards employees. It will also allow for the automation of processes and the limitation of your active involvement.

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Support in performing employer’s obligations

We help to fulfill the employer's obligations resulting from the provisions on PPK. We will suggest when and what to inform employees about, how to handle orders, how to update the lists of reported employees.

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Training and information materials

We will carry out comprehensive training for you and for your employees, adjusting it to the specific nature and needs of your company. We will present the persons liable for ECP implementation the detailed issues connected with the operation of the plan and the iPPK system and inform employees about the rules and benefits of participation. We will also provide brochures, posters, mailing and articles concerning the ECP.

How to join ECP in simple steps

Każdego dnia w Polsce powstaje około 1000 firm. One także są zobowiązane do utworzenia PPK, jeśli zatrudniają pracowników. Obowiązują je indywidualne terminy wdrożenia. Umowę o prowadzenie PPK w imieniu u na rzecz pracowników mogą podpisać już po 14 dniach od chwili zatrudnienia pierwszego pracownia i nie później niż 10. dnia miesiąca następującego po miesiącu, w którym upłynął okres 3 miesięcy (90 dni) zatrudnienia tej osoby.

Jako przykład przyjmijmy przedsiębiorcę, który 1 marca zatrudnił pracownika. W takiej sytuacji umowę o prowadzenie PPK będzie mógł zawrzeć pomiędzy 15 marca a 10 czerwca, gdyż okres 90 dni od chwili zatrudnienia upłynie 30 maja. Umowę o zarządzanie z wybraną instytucją finansową powinien podpisać co najmniej 10 dni roboczych wcześniej i nie ma znaczenia to, czy nowy pracownik miał PPK u swojego poprzedniego pracodawcy. Należy pamiętać, że wybór instytucji finansowej powinien być dokonany z udziałem pracowników.

schedule for implementing the PPK

Zmiana instytucji zarządzającej na PFR TFI

You are looking for information about PPK in the form of short videos or online training. Here you will find interesting materials.

schedule for implementing the PPK


ECPs have been designed as a system which will bring benefits to all entities engaged in it. Also employers may benefit from the introduction of ECPs:

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Positive image of employee

You gain an additional motivational tool, thanks to the possibility of making additional payments up to 2.5% of your salary. This can be a significant advantage in terms of recruiting and retaining employees.

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Easier access to financing

Long-term savings in ECP are funds that can really contribute to the development of the economy by increasing the capital available to Polish companies.

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Loyalty and acquisition of employees

More and more people expect the employer's involvement in social issues. Employers who meet these expectations can count on greater commitment, loyalty and support from employees.

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Corporate social responsibility

The assessment of business activity takes into account, inter alia, involvement in social issues. An example is responsibility for employees and their financial security.

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Financial incentives

The employer's expenses are tax deductible and reduce the income tax base. Moreover, they are not included in the salary base on which the amount of old-age and disability pension contributions is determined.

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Employee's financial wellbeing

An aspect particularly important from the employer's perspective is that the ECP is an expression of their responsibility for employees and their families. 

Niskie opłaty za zarządzanie

The management fee of the subfund collected by us is included in the price of the participation unit. Its level is significantly lower than the maximum level permitted by the  ECP Act (0.5% of the net value of the subfund assets per annum).

Current rates of fixed remuneration for the PFR PPK management

Regardless of their fulfilment, we will not collect any success fee until the end of 2021. In addition to the management fees, we do not collect any fees from the employer or from the ECP participant, including for:

  • the transfer of funds between the subfunds and the change in the division of the current payment to the ECP, regardless of their number during the year,
  • payments to the ECP, welcome payments and annual contributions from the state,
  • payments and transfer payments, returns,
  • employer access to the iPPK system and participant access to the IAT FI.

Usefull tools


You are looking for information about PPK in the form of short videos or online training. Here you will find interesting materials.

iPPK  instructional video 

The iPPK system is a support for every employer in implementing and servicing PPK. It allows for full service of PPK from anywhere.
Watch a short video to learn more about all the possibilities of iPPK.

Do pobrania

Do you need more detailed information or maybe you are looking for document templates? We have prepared a set of the most important files for you.


Check out our offer concerning the creation, management and operation of the Employee Capital Plan (ECP).


What’s good to know about the Employee Capital Plans.


Here you can find detailed information on the rights of the participant, the investment policy and the risk involved in investing.

To warto wiedzieć o PPK

You can find templates of forms and declarations for PPK participants in Expertse Center tab. Click the button below yo go to the tab. 

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Irregularity reporting form (anonymous)

Providing your personal data is not required

Complaint form